Who wants a little DIY in their wedding planning life?
My mind is all over the place thinking of DIY projects! I know, I'm super excited! On my wedding day we were so busy finally getting things together to bring all the DIY goodies to their special places. Thank goodness my family pitched in to help decorate before. I would recommend making a list of the things you want to accomplish. Seriously! The reason why is once you hit that craft store and start buying everything you'll need, you will soon start putting things together, and then... you'll forget what you were working on, start working on two projects at a time, and the list goes on, and on. Lastly, you'll go to Pinterest for inspiration and you find the perfect project for you. But wait! You already went to the store. Yikes! Seriously, make a list, research projects, edit your list, research some more, wait a week, then go back to researching, and then finally go to the store. Here are a few more to add to yo...