Where to sign up for a cash registry?

After the wedding you have the pleasure of going through all your wedding gifts and writing a thousand thank you cards.  The best part of that whole thing is opening the envelopes filled with money.  Could be in cash or check form, either way how happy are you?

I was so happy, especially since all we asked for was money.  We had an account on www.honeyfund.com, which was an idea I stole from my sister, plus we had a bird cage card holder in the entry way of our reception.

It was so much money.  Seriously!  We decided to blow it all on our honeymoon in New York City.  What a great time we had.  Looking back I'm thinking we could have put a little bit aside for a rainy day, but then we didn't really think so far in advance as we do know.

If you're interested in signing up for a wedding cash collecting site online like we did here are a few that might be serve you well:
Oh, and although wedding etiquette says that you have up to one year to send out your thank you cards, I recommend sending them out within two months.  I received so many calls and questions about so and so who didn't get their thank you card or did you send out your thank you cards yet?  So, to avoid the annoyance that comes with that, then I recommend sending those things out right away!


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